Walks in the park always remind me of my dad. When I was little, we lived near Tryon Creek Park, and would go for walks often. Sometimes on foot, sometimes on horseback. I remember one time, my dad said "Hey Catherine, do you want to go to the park?" I said "Yeah!" with visions of swings and slides in my head. About half way through our walk, I asked "Dad, where are the swings?" It must have made him laugh because I know I'd been there before. He just said "This is a different kind of park."
Now I go for walks in Mt. Tabor and think of him often. It always amazes me how similar I am to him.
Today I only went for a short walk, because it's so grey and gross outside, but am about to do pilates, so it all evens out.
I am a jeweler and metalsmith living in the Pacific Northwest. I find inspiration in the landscape that surrounds me, as well as through my own life experiences.
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