Store For a Month

Long ago, in a land far away, I took a professional practices class as part of my degree. We had to do a presentation, and I chose to do mine on "alternative exhibition spaces", as a way to encourage my fellow artisans to break out of the idea of exhibiting only in a gallery space, and seek alternative venues. Luckily, the Adelaide Fringe had been going at that time, so I'd been able to snap some snazzy pics of paintings hanging in a rug shop, with a rug as each painting's background (a great use of color and texture, mind you), as well as some intriguing street art.

There has been a lot of buzz about Store For a Month, a collaborative artistic venture here in Portland to create a gallery space for 1 month in an abandoned building space (sadly, the previous tenants there went out of business). First off, I have to applaud the organizers of Store for taking the initiative to create this space for a month. It's a fantastic idea, and I'm hoping to see future ventures much like it.

My partner and I went to visit Store For a Month yesterday, and it was wonderful. There's a lot of experimentation with materials, which is always encouraging, as well as some more established art forms. I was pleased to see a wide variety of pieces and forms, and am hoping my budget will allow me to take something home in the next two weeks. I definitely encourage everyone, who is able to, to visit Store For a Month. You can also check out a fantastic write up on the PORT blog, and more on Store at their website.

images via Store For a Month



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