Resins Workshop!!!

I recently assisted a resins workshop with Heidi Schwegler at the Oregon College of Art and Craft. Heidi is an amazing teacher and all of the students had a blast exploring techniques and materials, as well as mechanisms.

We worked with tin- and platinum-based silicone molds, water clear and EZ-Flo resins, as well as plaster and concrete. People brought a variety of different materials to mold and create resin pieces from, as well as to embed into their cast materials. Heidi also did demonstrations of a variety of mechanisms that could be embedded or fabricated with the resin/concrete/plaster pieces. It was amazing to explore different materials and techniques. I never thought that I would really like resin, etc., but ended up being really excited about them.

You can see more images on our Flickr Group, The Resin Workshops.



  1. Wow! I went through every photo! I want to take that workshop. no kidding. The molds you guys made are fabulous. I've used the two part silicone to make a one sided mold, but I see no seams in your concrete or resin models. How'd you do that?

    Fun workshop!


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