Last night was incredible! I am so filled with pride and joy in my country and my fellow Americans, I cannot even begin to put it all into words. Tears swell up when I think of the fact that the majority of us have overcome racism, and were able to ignore all the negative propaganda, and come together to elect an African American man as our next President! I am so proud, hopeful and happy. This shows that we have made progress as a country, and as people. We are a multicultural society, and it's time we embraced that, and each other! Here's to Tolerance, Progress, and Hope!!!
Now we just have to reverse that nasty Prop 8 in California, and pass laws inclusive of all peoples rights in all states!!!
I am a jeweler and metalsmith living in the Pacific Northwest. I find inspiration in the landscape that surrounds me, as well as through my own life experiences.
I hear you on that! all of that! :)