April 2nd

(above) A letter planning for a trip to the family cabin in 2005. We all made it, just in a different capacity.

Birthday Card, the front had a photo of the lake where our family cabin was.

Rafting Trip, 2004

We loved to "box"

Flannel shirts and blue couches

East Coast, 1994

Chillin' on the porch

This was manipulated for a school project...I'm the baby

This day is harder than I thought it would be. A year ago seems like an eternity. I can't believe it's been 3 whole years since my dad passed away. I am off to hike Tryon Creek park, eat some sushi, and hopefully not cry too much.



  1. i know how hard it is to lose a parent, but as time progresses you will come to know that he is still with you and guiding you more than you think, and maybe that will help bring you some comfort.

  2. Beautiful work you do, C.

    So sorry to hear about the anniversary of your father's passing, what beautiful pictures of you two.

    Thanks for your visits and nice comments on my blog.


  3. Thank you Liz! Thank you for visiting. I hope K feels better soon!


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