New Work

This past weekend marked a new "era" in my jewellery.

For a long time now, I have resisted using stones in my work. This is for a number of reasons--most of the time stones don't fit in, or I find the style too "already done". However, with the onset of my mom's birthday, I decided to create a necklace with her birthstone, plus my brother's and mine. While waiting to create this, I have acquired some beads
and played around with them a lot this weekend.

I discovered a few things. First, pearls burn (I only checked online about heat sensitivity after burning one), and labradorite is not heat sensitive. From now on, I will check before introducing flames. Also, I have realised that all those scraps which I thought were useless, and just sitting around, now have a purpose! Both of these pieces were made using scraps, and I have ideas for many more.

Now my focus is on creating my own style when using stones, as well as getting into setting them. Hopefully this weekend, amidst working crazy hours and hosting a party, I will be able to create at least one setting.

I have also been posting all my new work, and some old, to my Etsy shop:



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